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1902 Insects Affecting Hard Pine Antique Print - L.H. Joutel
1902 Insects Affecting Oak Antique Print - L.H. Joutel
1902 Insects Affecting White Pine Antique Print - L.H. Joutel
1902 Kingbird and Phoebe - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Bird Print
1902 Moose - Antique Oliver Kemp Print
1902 Nighthawk and Whip-poor-will - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Bird Print
1902 Red Snapper - Sherman F. Denton Antique Fish Print
1902 Red-Tailed Hawk and Cooper's Hawk - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Bird Print
Sold Out
1902 Screech Owl - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Bird Print
1902 Scup or Porgy - Sherman F. Denton Antique Fish Print
1902 Sea Bass - Sherman F. Denton Antique Fish Print
1902 Tahoe Trout - Sherman F. Denton Antique Fish Print
1902 Tree Sparrow and Snowflake - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Bird Print
1902 Wapiti or Elk - Antique Oliver Kemp Print
1902 Wood Thrush and Hermit Thrush - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Bird Print
1903 Akin Apple Antique USDA Fruit Print - B. Heiges
1903 Bobwhite In Potato Field Antique USDA Bird Print - Louis Agassiz Fuertes
1903 Headlight Grape Antique USDA Fruit Print - D.G. Passmore
1903 Hiley Peach Antique USDA Fruit Print - D.G. Passmore
1903 Rhode Island Greening Apples Antique USDA Fruit Print - B. Heiges
1903 Splendor Prune and Sugar Prune Antique USDA Fruit Print - D.G. Passmore
1903 Terry Apple Antique USDA Fruit Print - B. Heiges
1903 Welch Peach Antique USDA Fruit Print - D.G. Passmore
1903 Winesap Apples Antique USDA Fruit Print - D.G. Passmore
1903 York Imperial Apple Antique USDA Fruit Print - B. Heiges
1904 Albino Brook Trout - Antique Sherman F. Denton Fish Print
1904 American Red Crossbill - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Bird Print
1904 Black-Backed Three-Toed Woodpecker - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Bird Print
1904 Black-Capped Chickadee & Brown Creeper - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Bird Print
1904 Blackburnian Warbler - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Bird Print
1904 Blue Jay - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Songbird Print
1904 Bluegill Sunfish - Antique Sherman F. Denton Fish Print
1904 Carp - Antique Sherman F. Denton Fish Print
1904 Channel Catfish - Antique Sherman F. Denton Fish Print
1904 Chipmunk - Antique Charles Lang Rodent Print
1904 Crappie - Antique Sherman F. Denton Fish Print
1904 Goldeneye Duck - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Waterfowl Print
1904 Goldfish - Antique Sherman F. Denton Fish Print
1904 Gray Squirrel - Antique Charles Lang Rodent Print
1904 Hooded Merganser - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Waterfowl Print
1904 Male Flicker - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Woodpecker Print
1904 Male Northern Hairy Woodpecker - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Bird Print
1904 Mooneye - Antique Sherman F. Denton Fish Print
1904 Mourning Warbler - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Songbird Print
1904 Pintail Duck - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Waterfowl Print
1904 Porcupine - Antique Charles Lang Rodent Print
1904 Red Breasted Nuthatch - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Bird Print
1904 Red Squirrel - Antique Charles Lang Rodent Print
1904 Red-Headed Woodpecker - Antique Louis Agassiz Fuertes Bird Print
1904 Redhorse - Antique Sherman F. Denton Fish Print